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SuccessBooks® Announces New Publishing Deal with Radim Pařík for "Influence and Impact" Co-Authored with Chris Voss


PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, May 28, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ -- SuccessBooks® is thrilled to announce a new publishing deal with Radim Pařík, renowned international professional negotiator, lecturer, and sign language interpreter, for the highly anticipated book "Influence and Impact." This collaborative work, co-authored with negotiation expert Chris Voss and other leading professionals, promises to be an invaluable resource for readers worldwide.


Radim Pařík, a highly respected figure in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this book. As the president of the Association of Negotiators and a prolific author, Radim has made significant contributions to the field of negotiation. His bestselling book, Umění vyjednat cokoliv (The Art of Negotiating Anything), quickly became the best-selling Czech book on negotiation. Additionally, his co-authored book Empathetic Leadership with Chris Voss reached Amazon's bestsellers list this year.


Radim's professional journey spans multiple countries and prestigious positions within the multinational Schwarz Group, recognized by Forbes as one of the world's top five largest retailers. He holds an MSc and MBA in Strategic Management from Nottingham Trent University and a PhD in Negotiation from LIGS University. Radim has further refined his negotiation skills through extensive training, including programs at Harvard, the Schranner Negotiation Institute, and IMD University.


Radim Pařík's commitment to education is evident through his roles in leading negotiation programs at several European universities and founding the Fascinating Academy for commercial negotiation training. He also co-owns PR PA RT NE RS Advisory Group and initiated the Association of Negotiators, uniting professionals across five countries on four continents.

In addition to his professional achievements, Radim is dedicated to supporting the blind and deaf communities, serving as an ambassador for children from orphanages, and assisting TOP 100 Czech & Slovak companies in tough negotiations. His work extends to lecturing on negotiations for Security Information Service agents and top politicians, earning him the title of Czechoslovak LinkedIn Personality.


For more information on Radim Pařík and his groundbreaking work, visit www.fascinating.academy or connect with him on social media.


Contact: Web: www.fascinating.academy

Email: fascinujte@fascinating.academy

Social Media:

• Facebook: www.facebook.com/radim.parik

• LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/radim-parik

• Instagram: www.instagram.com/radimparik


SuccessBooks® eagerly anticipates the release of Influence and Impact, inviting readers worldwide to gain from the collective wisdom and diverse insights of Radim Pařík, Chris Voss, and an esteemed group of authors.




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